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When Your Employees Begin to Steal, You Need To Employ Warehouse Security


In 2002, when retailers lost £15 billion to fraud and theft for which the shoplifters weren’t at fault, the employees were. If one of your workers was behind the theft or working in cohesion with someone from outside, you know what is missing from the equation. The lack of warehouse security is what making it easier for employees to gain access to your inventory.

When you count the inventory and come short of the expected number, you have suffered a loss in your profits. Apart from losing inventory, it costs you personnel turnover and higher insurance premiums. If you are facing a similar scenario such as this with your employees, you need to upgrade your warehouse security.

This means that you need to hire the right type of security to protect your inventory. You need to hire a security company that can provide you with qualified guards with superb references to combat employee thefts. Failure to hire a security guard backed by good references can lead to their involvement in assisting employees to steal inventory.

By hiring a security guard from a reliable security company to monitor your CCTV cameras, keep track of your employees’ whereabouts, and keep an eye on the inventory, you will not have to worry about potential thefts. Other than hiring security guards, you can also install items such as security mirrors, security cages and wire partitions, folding security gates, lockable lockers and wire cabinets.

By taking all the necessary steps to prevent an employee from stealing, you will be alerting employees that your warehouse strictly condemns any form of thievery. When they see a security guard on standby, they will be reluctant to steal anyways.

If you want to increase your warehouse security, hire a dependable and highly qualified security guard to guard the premises.

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