0845 508 3673



With Transport Security, Your Fear of Travel will Disappear

The ongoing attacks by criminals and terrorists alike on transportation facilities such as busses, trains, and ferries, amongst others has become a matter of concern for most people. Even though they continue to travel using transportation, the fear of someone uninvited joining them for the ride is still alive.

For this reason, for most security companies, this has become one of the most challenging sectors to protect passengers and the driver. Knowing that, security companies teach their security guards proper protocols to employ during such scenarios if they encounter it on their job.

Even if the threat of terror attacks is low, a thief looking to steal from the passengers or a lunatic boarding the transportation with a weapon can still occur. With a security guard present at the boarding area, he or she can analyze people, as they board the bus or train.

Apart from protecting the transportation of people from one place to another, security guards oversee the transportation of goods or materials as well. Security guards can stand at the facility where the pickup of the goods occurs; overseeing that the correct amount of goods is loaded in the truck. The security guard can even accompany the transport from point A to point B to ensure that the process of picking and delivering materials is seamless.

By overseeing the transportation process, they make sure that no thefts under their watch occur. The main transportation sectors that hire security guards include:

  • Aviation
  • Maritime transportation system
  • Motor carrier and highway infrastructure
  • Passenger rail and mass transit
  • Pipeline systems
  • Freight rail
  • Postal and shipping

People part of any of the above-mentioned industry need to hire qualified and trained security guards to provide protection for their inventory, warehouse, and passengers.