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Monthly Archives: July 2011


The responsibility of a security guard is to guard and serve people, protecting them from becoming targets of criminals, looking to make a quick buck. They have several duties that they are in charge of such as patrolling the grounds, inspecting it, preventing break ins, and other criminal activities. Often times, they are the first person to show up when something goes amiss. If they spot a criminal in the process of breaking into your property, they will take quick action to thwart their plans. However, a security guard's life is not all action, as a typical day in the life

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Homeowners, small business owners, and anyone that has been the victim of a theft or a break in should install a CCTV camera. Perhaps, you haven't been a victim of robbery so you may not think you need to install a CCTV camera. Keep in mind, that there is a first for everything, and prevention is a key thing. Here are the signs of why you need to install a CCTV camera: 1. If Robbery in Your Area is on the Rise                                      

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